ET's Christmas Pictures
Written in 1st person terrier

Just look what Mom is doing to me. No self-respecting Lakie gets dressed in costumes!

Mom called me and I was dumb enough to go see what she wanted. Now look what happened - she put this THING on my head. Ya know what's even worse, my Dad is just standing there with the camera letting her do it!

I'll tell you what, the second she lets go - I'm out of here! And next time she calls me, I'm gonna think twice before I go see what she wants!

I think I'd very much like to know what's in the stocking.
I've been a VERY good little dog
I'm sure Santa means me to have it now!

Looks like Mom could use my help wrapping this present.
I'll just stick my nose in and see what I can do.

Mom said the tags are in this crate somewhere
I want to pick the one for this present.
It's for my friend Lexie who lives next door

I'll get the ribbon Mom
I want it to look real pretty

Wrapping presents is hard work
I'm sure glad I'm almost done
I can hardly wait until Christmas to open MY gifts!