This map shows the "Central Coast Area". The shaded area is where we vacation.

This is The Terrace from down on the beach.

We were on the 2nd floor third balcony from the right.

This is high tide from our balcony.

This is low tide. You have lots of beach to walk on.

This picture was shot from the sitting area of our room. The netting is to keep Annie from jumping off the balcony if she sees birds or other dogs!

Here we are at the entrance to the Ragged Point gardens. Annie is hot on the trail of something!

This is the overlook at Ragged Point. It's about 26 miles north of San Simeon.

The monarch butterflies love the gardens here at the Ragged Point Hotel.

Mexican Sage is a favorite of the butterflies and hummingbirds.

Annie and Kathy at Ragged Point. For some reason Annie doesn't like it here and has to be carried. It's break time.

Ragged Point has a large hummingbird population. They dart all around. We were lucky enough to catch this fellow sitting still.

The Hummingbirds do love the Mexican Sage.

I think the plant is aloe vera & Sea-Fig. The hummingbird finds it interesting.

Annie and Kathy at Ragged Point.

You might find this surprising - but Annie can be rather stubborn. She wanted to cut under this tree - but I was NOT going to craw under it with her!

A look down the coast through the Cypress trees.

Through the trees, down to the water.

Aloe Vera and Sea-Fig with Ragged Point coastline in the background.

Sea Gulls fly by looking for handouts.

It must have something to do with air currents but in the mornings they fly by in a counterclockwise circle.

In the afternoon they circle clockwise.

It's amazing how they can hover in the air.

The brave ones will land on the railing and wait to be served.

They'll line up and take bread or french fries right from my hand.

They can get a little pushy and I have to chase them off.

They'll stack up like airplanes waiting for a turn.

If the goodie is big enough I can hold it out so the gulls can fly by and take it from my hand.

These 2 gulls are "handicapped". Each has only 1 leg. But that doesn't appear to bother them.

These 2 are making off with french fries.

Tossing bites for gulls to catch is fun.

They come by peeking under the eves to see what you're handing out.

They'll hover quite a while until you throw a goodie.

Here's a 1 legger again. I try to make sure they get extra treats.

Stacking up

One gets the prize. The others circle around for another try.

1 legger glides in for another handout.

The sky can get a little crowded with greedy gulls.






All the treats are gone, but this gull doesn't want to give up. I have to show him the empty plate to prove it.

Once the gulls are gone, the Starlings come looking for leftovers.

These little fellows can get pretty brave.

This one wants to work up the courage to get on the table.

Just a little closer and the prize is his.

Now it's chow time.

Somehow they feel a little safer on the balcony floor.

Gobble it all up before any of the other birds find out there's a picnic.

A beautiful day for a drive along Highway 1.

Heading north the road climbs into the mountains.

The views out over the ocean are beautiful.

Rocky coves around every bend.

This is just below the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse.

In the middle of this rocky pool is a little Harbor Seal.

This large rock is a favorite hangout for sea birds.

The smaller rock is Sea Lion central. You can hear them barking from a long distance.

Check out this house. It sits alone on this beautiful bluff.

From the other buildings, the house looks to be part of a farm. I'd never get any work done - all my time would be spent looking at the view!

High tide.

Pretty look down this gully to the beach.

I really love the rocky coast line.

This rather funny shaped rock has a large arch.

See the wave splash through it.

On a sunny day the water reflects many shades of blue and green.

You can walk along the bluff for hours.

In the middle of the cove is a wind surfer. It was amazing how fast he was going and how far out he was.

Gull sitting on the bluff. Michael usually takes all the pictures. This was my first shot with the new digital camera.

Piedras Blancas Lighthouse off in the distance.

A storm brewing out to sea.

It's getting pretty dark and stormy. But luckily it stayed out over the ocean.

As usual Annie wants to go HER way. If I try to guide her, she just pulls in the opposite direction!

Annie loves the wind in her face. It just makes my hair stand on end.

White Heron searching for lunch in a tide pool.

Very intent on lunch.

Heron and Cattle Egret searching for a meal.

Crossing the tide pool looking for a snack.

Looks like this Heron is posing for the picture.

The beaches below the light house have been taken over by an Elephant Seal colony.

This colony is one of the fastest growing ever recorded.

The "young of the year" and juveniles haul out to rest.

Standing above them on the bluff to take pictures draws the attention of a curious youngster.

Unlike Sea Lions, Elephant Seals have short front flippers and cannot rotate their rear flippers. They don't "walk" the sort of roll or wriggle along.

A couple subadult males haul out.

They sun on the beach.

Big yawn gives you a look at his growing nose.

Of course the big draw for most people is Hearst Castle. We've been on the tours several times. So usually we just drive by.

These are the "famous" San Simeon Zebra. They are descendents of Zebra that were in the "castle" menagerie. There are 7 or 8 of them that roam with the cattle.

After a long day of driving along the coast and walking along the beach, Annie is worn out and needs a nap!

After a clear day, you get a beautiful sunset.

Time to sit on the balcony, sip a drink and watch the sunset.

A few clouds add color.

What could be better then this to end a day!?

We took so many great shots, I had to include lots of them.













