Me and E.T. pose in the gardens at Ragged Point.

Michael was trying to get a picture of a hummingbird that was flying around. But it would not co-operate! So he had to settle for the butterfly.

The view through the trees from high on the Ragged Point bluff.

The waves against the rock and the blue-green ocean framed by the trees is so pretty.

This little lizard was sunning on the fence post.

I love all the beautiful flowers growing wild.
The rock is a favorite sunning spot for cormorants

A view down the coast from Ragged Point.

We hiked along the "path" to the bluff edge for this picture.

I love watching the waves breaking over the rocks.

Some of the splashes get really big. But don't always co-operate for the camera!

Pretty cool looking!

You gotta open the large version to see - but there are Sea Lions on the rock. They haul out to sun. You can hear them barking a mile away!

This little ground squirrel was such a character. Going around begging for handouts.

Give him a goodie and he'd gobble some ofit down.

Then bury the rest for later.

Then come back to beg for more. Guess he can't read the "Do not feed" signs!

These guys are part of the Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Colony. Most are pups born just last month. Except for this juvenile male.

The Elephant seals climb way up the bluffs to sun.

In a few weeks the pups will be gone and the adults will arrive to molt. The beach will really get crowded.

You can see the Sea Lion rock off in the distance as well as the old lighthouse.

Sunning on the rocks are some Harbor Seals while the Elephant Seal pups learn to swim in the pools between the rock.

Splashing surf doesn't seem to bother any of them.

There are also lots of cormorants - you can see one on the rock looking in the pool. Bet he's hunting for lunch.

Here are a couple Elephant Seal pups squabbling over a spot in the sand. They sure have a high pitched squeal!

Nothing to do all day but sun and scratch.

A little practice swim in the shallow pool.

On the lower end of the rock are some Sea Lions, across the very top of the rock, some birds are sunning and very low to the water is a flight of pelicans.

The clear blue sky makes the water reflect beautiful blue-green.

Wouldn't this cove be an "awful" place to live! There is a house there for sale - only $1,950,000.

I felt like Edith Ann sitting on this bench. I don't know who built them but there are three of them on the path along the bluff. It was slightly "breezy" as you can tell by my hair and E.T.'s ears.

Stone arm rests are kinda strange - but the bench was actually comfortable!

How do you like this handmade bridge? Made from tied together driftwood, branches and planks - it was MUCH sturdier than it looks.

E.T. absolutely refused to walk across the bridge. So she got carried back and forth.

Here are a couple Otters being harassed by a Sea Gull. The Otters were enjoying lunch and the Gull wanted a handout.

We learned to spot Otters by looking for dark spots with a Sea Gull hovering close by.

Otters are constantly rubbing their fur - you can see this fella rubbing his face.

This is another of the driftwood benches. Pretty interesting looking don't ya think.

I could sit on this bench and watch the ocean all day.

Mr. Buzzard is kinda ugly - but I thought this was a really cool looking shot.

Buzzards are actually rather beautiful in flight.

You may not believe it, but my darling E.T. can be rather stubborn!

Michael is up on the balcony taking pictures of me "trying" to walk E.T. along the bluff in front of the hotel. E.T. was NOT interested in walking!

E.T. is napping while I search for Otters and Whales.

On day three of our vacation we all sat on the bench and watched the ocean for a while. E.T. was getting pretty worn out. She just lay down and really did not want to continue.

I wonder what the hierarchy is that determines which Cormorant gets the highest rock?

Pretty purple wild flowers all along the bluff

Another shot of a very stubborn Lakie! It took some doing to get her to come back on the other side of the post.

More pretty flowers with rocky coast line in the background.

This little ground squirrel is gonna end up as lunch for a hawk if he's not careful!