With all the rains this winter, there were lots of little waterfalls.

These elephant seals were probably born just a few months ago. They are hauled up on the beach sleeping the day away.

The run-off from a creek created this little trough down to the ocean.

The young elephant seals took a real liking to it as a practice pool.

These fat little sausages are to lazy to swim right now.

This little guy liked rolling in the kelp.

This fellow was "viciously" beating up a hunk of kelp.

The ground squirrels were everywhere "pigging out" on the new plants.

They have absolutely no fear of people. They will abandon the plants to beg for food from anyone walking by.

The bluffs were a riot of wildflowers.

E.T. was happy when she could wander along - but quickly got bored when we'd stop to look at anything for to long.

So many interesting things to smell! If only she had a longer leash.

My little angel.

So many different kinds I flowers - wish I knew their names.

And they pose nicely for close-ups

There was a nice bench here - we sat looking for whales and watching the squirrels eat.






